How Often Should You Change the Oil in Your Car?
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How Often Should You Change the Oil in Your Car in San Diego, CA


When you’re busy going where you need to go, the last thing on your mind is the oil in your car. However, it does need to be changed regularly—between 7,500 and 10,000 miles is the general recommendation. There are other factors to consider as well, which we go over below.

Driving Frequency

This is one of the main factors to consider when determining when you’ll likely need to change your vehicle’s oil. For instance, if you drive daily to work and use your car on weekends to run errands, you’ll need to check your oil sooner than if you only drive occasionally.

What You Use Your Vehicle For

Another factor to consider with oil changes is how you use your car or truck. For example, if you regularly haul heavy loads, you’ll likely need to change your oil more often. You’ll also probably need to have your oil checked and possibly changed more often if you use your vehicle for any of the following purposes:

• Off-roading
• Auto racing
• Commercial driving

The Type of Oil You Use

Conventional or natural oil tends to need to be changed more often than synthetic oil. In fact, according to one estimate, you may be able to drive for 7,500 to 15,000 miles before you need to change synthetic oil.

Signs You Need to Change Your Oil

It’s also a good idea to pay attention to signs suggesting you may need to change your oil. For instance, if your check engine light suddenly comes on, it could be a sign your engine is having oil-related issues. Additional signs indicating you likely need to change your oil include:

• The oil is discolored or emitting a foul odor
• The oil is sludgy or clearly thicker than it’s supposed to be
• The engine overheats or needs repairs more frequently
• You hear knocking sounds coming from the engine

Being Proactive about Checking Your Oil

Err on the side of caution and get into the habit of checking your oil at least once every few months. At the very least, it’s best to change your oil twice a year. By regularly checking your oil, you can determine when you need to replace it before you start to have issues. If you spot anything concerning with the oil, visit a mechanic or talk to a service advisor at your dealership.

How Your Insurance Could Be Affected

If you’re not mindful of oil changes, your car or truck will likely need to be repaired more often due to how a lack of fresh oil affects your engine. If your engine isn’t maintained properly, it could affect the life span of your vehicle or have you filing claims more often. You may even be more likely to have an accident if your car suddenly breaks down as a result of not changing the oil as often as you should. This could result in higher premiums for your seguro de auto or even make it difficult to renew your policy.

In addition to maintaining your car properly, having adequate auto insurance is essential to protect yourself and your investment. For affordable, reliable car insurance, trust the professionals at Altra Insurance Services. In addition to auto insurance, we offer a wide range of insurance coverage, including business, homeowners, and seguro de moto. San Diego residents should give us a call today at (619) 404-6311 to learn how our commitment to personal service sets us apart from other insurance providers.

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