Many people avoid driving at night due to the fear of having an accident and being injured. However, getting on the road at night is sometimes necessary. Therefore, it would be best to learn the common reasons car accidents occur at night as well as ways to avoid them. Doing so not only keeps you and your passengers safe, but it could also protect your vehicle and lower the odds of higher insurance rates or even having your policy canceled. The professionals from Altra Insurance Services, the premier providers of car and seguro de moto San Diego County drivers trust for reliable, high-quality service, explain the most common reasons auto accidents happen at night.
Late hours typically cause the body’s circadian rhythms to become sluggish. Someone who becomes drowsy is more likely to fall asleep, even when he or she is behind the wheel. Fatigue could also alter the ability to think clearly, making it difficult to follow traffic laws and safe driving practices, such as staying in the right lane, stopping at red lights, obeying traffic signs, and turning into the correct lanes. As a result, the risk of a car accident increases.
To reduce the odds of a nighttime accident, you should always get an adequate amount of sleep, especially before operating your vehicle. When driving, take frequent breaks to ensure you’re alert and fully capable of continuing on to your destination.
Lack of Visibility
The lack of sunlight makes it more challenging for drivers to clearly see the road as well as traffic signs. Dry eyes and blurred vision are more likely during the late evening hours. To avoid nighttime accidents due to low visibility, refrain from distractions such as playing the radio in the background or carrying on conversations with passengers.
Try to limit your driving to the morning, afternoon, and early evening hours. Always reduce your speed when driving at night, especially in poorly lit areas.
Alcohol Impairment
Drivers who have consumed alcoholic beverages are more prone to make mistakes while operating their vehicles due to the impairment. This includes driving recklessly, speeding, failing to use turn signals, not obeying traffic laws and signs, and failing to consider the safety of other drivers and pedestrians. Alcohol can reduce brain function, impairing muscle coordination and making it difficult to use reasoning skills. Although drinking can occur throughout the day, more people are likely to drink at night when they’re out with friends or attending parties and other events.
To prevent this from occurring, avoid drinking while you’re out and about. If you’re going to have a few drinks, consider riding with someone who won’t consume alcohol, call a taxi, or use rideshare options.
Driving too fast is one of the most common reasons for nighttime car accidents. Due to the decreased amount of traffic at night, many drivers tend to speed and engage in reckless lane changes. This kind of careless driving increases the risk of accidents.
It’s crucial to follow the speed limit, even in low-traffic conditions during the night, to prevent accidents. Even if other drivers are going fast, you need to adhere to the law and avoid reckless actions, such as dangerous swerving and lane switching.
Ya sea que haya tenido un accidente o no, es importante asegurarse de encontrar el más asequible seguro de auto chula vista residents can trust to protect them in the future. If you need affordable, reliable car insurance, look no further than the trustworthy pros at Altra Insurance Services. We can take care of a variety of your insurance needs, including motorcycle, homeowners, and business insurance. Give us a call today to find out more about our high-quality insurance products and impeccable service.