How Long Can You Keep a Car in Storage?
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How Long Can I Keep My Car Stored?

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How Long Can I Keep My Car Stored?


Keeping a car in storage is a common scenario for many car owners. Whether it’s due to a temporary relocation, a long vacation, or simply a lack of use, it’s important to know how long you can keep your car in storage without causing any damage. This will depend on a variety of factors, such as the type of storage, the condition of your car, and the maintenance you’ve performed before you store it. Below, the experienced professionals from Altra Insurance Services, a premier provider of seguro de auto San Diego drivers trust for affordable coverage and top-notch service, explore these factors in more detail.

Type of Storage

The type of storage you choose for your car is one of the most important factors in determining how long you can keep it stored. There are generally two options: indoor storage and outdoor storage.

Indoor storage is the preferred option because it protects your car from the elements, such as rain, snow, and UV rays, which can damage the car’s paint and interior. If you choose indoor storage, make sure the storage facility is dry and free of pests. Rats, mice, and insects can damage your car’s wiring and interior, so it’s important to take steps to prevent them from entering the storage unit.

Outdoor storage, on the other hand, is less ideal because it exposes your car to the elements. If you must choose outdoor storage, consider using a car cover to protect the paint as well as the interior. However, even with a car cover, outdoor storage is still not as safe as indoor storage.

Condition of the Car

The condition of your car also plays a role in determining how long you can keep it in storage. If your car is in good condition and has been well maintained, it can withstand longer periods of storage without sustaining any damage. However, if your car has mechanical issues or is in need of repairs, it’s best to get them fixed before storing it.

It’s also a good idea to give your car a thorough cleaning, both inside and out. This will prevent any buildup of dirt and grime that can cause both exterior and interior damage over time.

Maintenance Performed before Storage

Performing maintenance on your car before storing it is also a good idea. Here are some tips for preparing your car for storage:

  • Change the oil and filter – Old oil may contain contaminants that can damage the engine if left sitting for too long.
  • Fill up the gas tank – A full tank of gas will prevent moisture buildup in the fuel system.
  • Add a fuel stabilizer – This will prevent the gas from breaking down and causing damage to the engine.
  • Remove the battery – If you plan on storing your car for more than a month, it’s a good idea to remove the battery to keep it from draining.
  • Inflate the tires – Over time, tires can lose pressure, which can lead to flat spots. Inflating the tires to the recommended pressure can prevent this.

General Guidelines

In general, you can keep a car in storage for up to six months without any issues. Beyond six months, however, the storage environment plays a greater role in determining whether the car will sustain damage. If you choose indoor storage, you can keep your car in storage for up to a year or more, as long as you perform regular maintenance and inspections. Outdoor storage, on the other hand, is less than ideal and should be limited to a few months at most.

Insurance for a Car in Storage

You aren’t legally required to have auto insurance coverage for your car if it’s in storage and you aren’t driving it. However, if your car is vandalized, stolen, or damaged in a weather-related event or an accident, you’ll have to pay for any resulting expenses out of your own pocket if it isn’t covered by auto insurance. Comprehensive coverage could be the best choice to protect your car against the types of damage it could suffer while it’s in storage.

It’s important to protect your car with reliable auto insurance, so reach out to the trustworthy agents at Altra Insurance Services. In addition to auto coverage, we also offer homeowners, commercial, and seguro de moto San Diego. residents are urged to give us a call today at (619) 404-6311 for a free quote.

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