Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Leaks in Pipes?
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Will My Homeowners Insurance Cover Leaking Pipes?

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Leaky plumbing can quickly cause a significant amount of damage in a short time. In some cases, you can rest assured your homeowners insurance will cover the problem. But there are typically stipulations in place regarding what types of leaks caused the damage and what caused the leaks themselves. When it comes to what types of plumbing issues are covered by seguro de hogar, San Diego homeowners should know if and when their policies will cover faulty plumbing so they can be prepared when they discover serious leaks.

Expect Coverage for Sudden Failures

Most minor plumbing leaks such as a dripping faucet are considered normal parts of household maintenance. Usually, you’ll be expected to cover the cost of normal wear and tear, such as needing to replace a faulty shower head. However, your homeowners insurance will usually cover catastrophic plumbing leaks that occur without warning and through no fault of your own. For instance, your policy may cover replacing the cabinets and floor around a brand-new dishwasher that suddenly springs a major leak.

Know How to Address a Third Party’s Mistake

Sometimes, a leaky pipe or fixture is the result of faulty installations or parts. If the leak occurred after a plumber worked on the area, it’s possible the plumbing company’s insurance will cover the damage. Many manufacturers, plumbers, and other types of businesses carry insurance designed to cover the cost of repairs and replacements after a service fails to go as planned.

Plan to Be Responsible for Neglect

Homeowners insurance is meant to protect you financially from unforeseen circumstances that are primarily out of your control. In some cases, a claim can be denied if it appears the homeowners failed to do their duty to make sure a major plumbing leak wouldn’t occur. For instance, your policy may cover a burst pipe behind a wall or under the ground that leaks water that goes undetected for a long time. Meanwhile, the policy may not cover a water leak that was clearly visible and allowed to continue without any effort to stop it. You can ensure your insurance will cover the issue by staying on top of plumbing inspections and performing routine maintenance.

Understand What Your Policy Covers

Every home has different risks and needs regarding the types of insurance and levels of coverage a property owner needs. If you live in an older home or one with aging plumbing, you might choose to add more coverage than what the lender requires. Or you might want to make sure you have additional personal property coverage if you have plumbing near expensive home office equipment. With most claims, you’ll also need to pay a deductible before the insurance company covers the other costs. Working with your insurance company to create a comprehensive policy for your home helps you feel confident if you notice a sudden leak.

If you own a home or are considering buying one, take the time to understand exactly what your homeowners insurance policy does—and doesn’t—cover. It could save you a lot of time and heartache. The professionals at Altra Insurance Services will be happy to help you examine your current policy and determine if you have the coverage you need. We can also help you with renters insurance, commercial insurance, and motorcycle and seguro de auto National City. Call one of our friendly agents today.

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