Why Is It Harder to Insure a Manufactured Home?
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Understanding the Challenges of Insuring Manufactured Homes

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Maintaining insurance on your home is important, whether you live in a small one-bedroom condo or an expansive multifloor property. Manufactured homes have long been an important option in the housing market, allowing people to enjoy affordable homes that offer the conveniences they need for comfortable living. While modern materials have made manufactured homes sturdier than they were in the past, it’s helpful to understand why it may be harder to insure them compared to traditional houses.

Differences in Construction Standards

Manufactured homes may have come a long way from the mobile varieties that dominated the market in the past. But this form of housing is designed to be more affordable than traditional brick-and-mortar homes, which can lead to significant differences in their construction. Lower-cost building materials are often thinner, posing higher structural integrity risks. Plus, insurance underwriters face challenges with assessing the risks of a property that might be built differently than a standard home.

Higher Risk of Total Losses

Thinner walls and other cost-saving construction design elements make it more likely for a manufactured home to experience severe damage from fires and high winds. In many cases, a manufactured home will end up being a total loss after a catastrophe, while a more traditional home may only need a few repairs. Naturally, the risk of having a manufactured home being deemed a total loss increases insurance rates.

General Location

Many manufactured homes are placed on rural properties that may not have all of the protections a traditional house in the city would have. For instance, it may take firefighters longer to arrive at a home in a rural area than a house right down the street from a fire station. A manufactured home located in a trailer park may also lack some of the safeguards a suburban HOA-controlled community has, such as outdoor video monitoring systems.

Lower Security Protections

Lower-quality doors, windows, and other features sometimes create security risks an insurance company must consider. In some cases, you might be able to install higher-grade doors and other elements in your manufactured home that could mitigate some of the security risks. Adding security systems and cameras can also help.

Liability Insurance Options

Even if you find it hard to insure the property, it’s worth the effort. Since the building materials used in many manufactured homes can often deteriorate faster than others, it’s possible for staircases, handrails, and other features to break and lead to personal injury. When you purchase a Seguro para propietarios de casas policy, make sure it has enough personal liability protection to cover potential accidents and injuries. You’ll also want to stay on top of routine maintenance and new repair needs to ensure everyone stays safe on your property.

No matter what type of home you have, make sure to buy your homeowners insurance from a trustworthy, experienced provider. For reliable, affordable homeowners insurance, San Diego homeowners know they can trust Altra Insurance Services. We also provide renters, commercial, motorcycle, and seguro de auto. San Diego residents can receive a free quote by calling one of our friendly agents today.

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