At What Age Should Most People Stop Driving?
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What Is the Average Age Seniors Stop Driving?

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Although there’s a minimum legal age to apply for your license, there’s no upper age limit for driving once you receive it. Drivers have different health issues, meaning someone who is 50 could experience sight problems while another individual over 70 may continue to see without difficulty. Therefore, the age at which most people should stop driving typically revolves around various personal factors, including the ones below, outlined by the professionals from Altra Insurance Services, a premier provider of auto and motorcycle insurance San Diego residents trust for dependable, affordable coverage.

Accidents & Injuries

Regardless of whether you’re 90 or in your 20s, you should stop driving if you struggle to operate a vehicle safely. Failing to do so could endanger you and others, causing minor or severe wrecks and injuries. Keep in mind accidents and injuries also lead to higher expenses.

A minor bump could turn into a head-on collision as age progresses and conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, and hearing impairment worsen. Many of these afflictions can go unnoticed for years before testing and treatment take place. Therefore, monitoring your driving record and the number of accidents and injuries should indicate when to stop driving.

Renewal Policies

One of the benefits of passing road or written driving examinations is not needing to retake these tests. However, as you or a loved one continues to age, the renewal policies may change. An eye exam is generally mandated in these cases, making it difficult for some adults to renew their driving privileges.

Memory Issues or Inability to Follow Traffic Regulations

Struggling to remember familiar addresses and locations could signify that you or a loved one needs to stop driving and rely on friends and family for transportation support. For instance, getting lost coming home is a red flag, and so is calling and asking for directions to businesses or homes visited regularly. 

Running stop signs and lacking the knowledge of red, green, and yellow traffic lights could also indicate that driving alone is too dangerous. Again, safety must come first for the driver, passengers, and others on the road.


At the age of 70, 80, or 90, health costs generally increase due to age-related conditions and necessities. In these instances, it’s more important to keep up with health insurance, medical bills, and prescription or therapeutic expenses than car payments and automotive repairs.

It’s always best to speak with your family members, especially caregivers, to determine if you could be added to their insurance policies so you can continue driving without worrying about health care costs and living expenses. Insurance companies often offer discounted rates for families or multiple options and specials for combined health, home, and auto policies.

Being aware of when it’s time to stop driving can prevent accidents and protect you, your loved ones, and other drivers. If you’re in an accident, though, you’ll need the protection of reliable car insurance. Chula Vista drivers rely on Altra Insurance Services for high-quality service and affordable coverage that offers peace of mind. Call one of our friendly agents at  (619) 404-6311 today for a free quote.

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