Comprehensive car insurance is something you’ll have to buy if you’ve financed your vehicle. The lienholder will want to ensure it’s taken care of if anything happens to the car. If you don’t finance your car, comprehensive coverage is still a helpful addition to your liability coverage. The following is some information on what comprehensive insurance is and how it might be a good idea to add it to your existing auto insurance San Diego, car owners should consider the facts below when they decide whether comprehensive coverage is the right choice for their needs.
What Is Comprehensive Coverage?
Comprehensive coverage is a special type of insurance that covers your vehicle if something other than an ordinary car crash occurs. For example, you may be able to use your comprehensive coverage if a tree falls on your hood during a storm and causes damage beyond your control. It may cover you in the case of vandalism if someone writes graffiti on your car or scratches it with a key to destroy your property. Furthermore, the coverage may protect you in a theft situation if something happens to the vehicle after someone steals it. Natural disasters such as tornadoes and hurricanes can cause great damage to your car, and a comprehensive policy could help you with those. Comprehensive car insurance can pay for damage that occurs when animals damage your car as well. Additionally, your car could be protected in the case of a fire. The coverage may also apply in some other situations.
What Comprehensive Insurance Covers
The goal of comprehensive coverage is to get your vehicle back to pristine condition after you experience damage because of situations such as those mentioned above. Therefore, the provider will pay for paint jobs, dent removal, fender replacement, and anything else that may fall under the umbrella of repairs. It’s important to note that collision coverage is for regular automobile accidents, and the insurance company will deny any claim for such an accident if you try to file it under the comprehensive coverage package.
How Comprehensive Insurance Works
Each comprehensive insurance package has a monthly premium you must pay to maintain it. If an incident occurs, you’ll have to contact the insurance company and file a claim. Your policy will most likely have a deductible, which can vary from $250 to more than $1,500. You must pay that deductible before the insurance company assumes any of the payments for the vehicle’s repairs. Once you satisfy your deductible obligation, the insurance company will write a check so you can hire a reputable service center to repair your vehicle.
How to Get Comprehensive Coverage
Contact an insurance agent to obtain comprehensive coverage. It’s wise to have it on your policy even if you’re not obligated to purchase it. Choose a deductible that’s right for you so you know you can handle it if something happens.
Drivers who are searching for reliable, affordable auto insurance should reach out to the experienced professionals at Altra Insurance Services. In addition to auto coverage, we offer a variety of insurance products, including motorcycle, homeowners, business, and renters insurance San Diego, residents should call one of our friendly agents today at 619-474-6666 for a free quote.