How Do I Keep My Motorcycle Engine Healthy?
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Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Motorcycle Engine

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How Do I Keep My Motorcycle Engine Healthy in San Diego, CA


Given the fact that it can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000 to replace a motorcycle engine, it’s safe to assume you would prefer to avoid replacing it. Fortunately, this is a goal you can achieve if you’re proactive about keeping your motorcycle engine healthy. Below, the pros from Altra Insurance, the leading providers of affordable motorcycle insurance in San Diego, offer tips on what you can do to enjoy some added peace of mind when riding your motorcycle by caring for the engine.

Change the Oil

After riding several thousand miles, you’ll need to change the oil in your motorcycle’s engine. Check your owner’s manual for the specific recommendations. This helps your engine run smoothly. If your oil is dirty and congealed, your engine can become affected as well, which can lead to added wear and tear as you ride. Make sure to use top-quality oil to further improve how your engine runs.

Replace Your Air Filter

This is another seemingly minor thing, but it can make a big difference in how your motorcycle’s engine runs. If your air filter is dirty or clogged, dirt, debris, and various fumes could get back into your engine.

Be Diligent about Tire Pressure

If your tires are worn or not properly cared for, your motorcycle’s engine could be affected by the resulting jostling and uneven riding. If this continues for a long time, your engine may get knocked around a bit too much. At the very least, you may find you need to have repairs made more often.

Change Your Coolant

Coolant is what circulates around your motorcycle’s engine to remove excess heat. If your coolant is old and not as effective as it once was, your engine may overheat. This can result in engine failure, which is especially dangerous if you ride regularly. A sudden failure of your engine can leave you with serious injuries or extensive damage to your motorcycle. Engine failure due to overheating could also result in a collision with another rider or a larger vehicle.

Clean the Chain

You may also experience a motorcycle accident if the chain isn’t kept in good shape. If it’s dirty or worn, your engine may need to work harder to keep everything moving. This is more likely to be the case if dirt, debris, and other gunk create friction.

Have Your Engine Inspected Occasionally

It never hurts to err on the side of caution. In this instance, what you’re doing is simply having your motorcycle’s engine professionally inspected. Diagnostic tests can also be done to determine if anything requires attention. Being diligent about routine checkups also keeps your engine healthy by catching smaller issues earlier.

Insurance Benefits

On a related note, taking care of your motorcycle’s engine can be good for you when it comes to insurance. If your motorcycle is well maintained, it’s less likely to break down or need to be replaced entirely. This could contribute to lower insurance premiums and fewer claims filed.

If you’re looking for reliable, affordable motorcycle insurance and high-quality customer service, reach out to the friendly agents at Altra Insurance Services. Our experienced team can help you meet all your insurance needs, including homeowners coverage and auto insurance in Chula Vista. Call us today at (619) 404-6311.

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