If you own a vehicle, car insurance is an essential expense that can save you from dealing with costly financial losses. On top of coverage for damage that occurs from auto accidents, you can also use insurance coverage to recover losses due to theft or property damage from other causes. Understanding how car insurance works puts you one step ahead toward protecting yourself as a driver and property owner.
Know Why Car Insurance Is Necessary
In California and the majority of states, drivers are required to carry liability insurance. The laws regarding car insurance are designed to protect people from others’ costly mistakes. The costs of repairing property damage and providing medical care for personal injuries can reach amounts the average person might not be able to cover. By having insurance coverage, you demonstrate responsibility as a vehicle owner, allowing you to experience less financial and emotional stress if you experience a collision.
Brush Up On Basic Vocabulary
Many people who are new to auto insurance are unsure of what the basic terms mean. A car insurance premium is the amount you pay for a policy period. Some people make monthly payments, while others may choose to pay the whole amount for the term. The deductible is the amount of money you’ll pay out of your own pocket for damages. Choosing a policy with a low deductible may cost more, but it pays off if you need to cover damages and don’t have enough to cover your portion out of pocket.
Learn about the Types of Auto Insurance
The two main types of car insurance to know about are liability and comprehensive. Liability is the type most states require as the bare minimum, and this covers losses for the other person if you’re at fault in an accident. Comprehensive coverage covers losses from events that might be out of your control, such as vandalism or a tree falling on your car. Personal injury protection is another type of car insurance that may be bundled in with your policy. If you’re still paying for a vehicle, you’ll want to keep in mind most lenders require you to carry comprehensive coverage.
Explore Optional Coverage Options
When you purchase an insurance policy, you’ll be offered add-ons that may include loan/lease payoff coverage. If your car is stolen or totaled, this coverage can help you pay off a specific percentage of the loan. Some policies also allow you to add rental car reimbursements, uninsured motorist coverage, and roadside assistance, which comes in handy during emergencies.
Determine How Much Coverage You Need
Working with an insurance agent is the best way to determine how much coverage you need. Some lenders require you to carry a certain amount of coverage on your policy. If you own a car, it’s possible you may be able to do well with only liability coverage. Since each person’s situation is unique, it’s best to look for an insurance company that takes a personalized approach to helping people set up their policies.
Your insurance agent can provide you with additional information and help you choose the coverage that’s right for you. If you’re looking for reliable car insurance and high-quality service, call on the trustworthy agents from Altra Insurance Services. We can also provide you with motorcycle, renters, and home insurance. San Diego residents should give us a call today.