In the great debate about who makes the best drivers, it always seems someone will bring up the fact that males tend to pay more for their car insurance than females do. Most males do in fact pay more than females at certain stages during their lives, and the reason for this essentially comes down to males being viewed as more likely to be involved in accidents. You should also know that this risk goes down over time, and there are many factors that influence who ends up paying more.
How Rates Differ Before the Age of 25
Young drivers are considered high risks for car insurance purposes because their inexperience means they may not be able to anticipate accidents as easily as older adults can. Most new drivers pay higher rates in general, but young males pay about 14 percent more than younger females on average. This is because statistics show young males have more accidents than young females. Males under the age of 25 are also viewed as more likely to take risks, such as speeding or running a red light.
What Happens for People Over 25
Both males and females can enjoy watching their insurance rates drop as they mature and gain experience on the road. After the age of 25, the difference between insurance rates for males and females becomes barely noticeable—usually less than a percentage point. People over 25 also begin to have other life situations that tend to lower their rates, and they can take steps to keep their rates low.
Other Factors that Influence Rates
Gender is one of the more obvious factors that influence San Diego auto insurance rates. Age is another one you don’t have much control over. Insurance companies also look for other factors that predict whether a person will be a responsible driver. They may offer lower rates to married people or residents of areas deemed safer for drivers. Your rate may also be influenced by things such as how long you’ve carried insurance over your lifetime and whether you’ve ever had to file a claim. When you get your quote, ask which factors influenced your rate.
Ways to Keep Insurance Rates Lower
If you’re a younger male, the best way to get a lower rate is to practice safe driving habits. Taking driver’s training courses can help you score discounts, and every driver needs to avoid getting tickets and having accidents. Your insurance company may also offer lower rates if you bundle other types of policies together. Ask about discounts to make sure you’re getting the best rates for your circumstances.
Drivers who are searching for affordable, reliable auto insurance should reach out to the friendly agents at Altra Insurance Services. In addition to auto coverage, we offer a variety of insurance policies, including motorcycle, business, and homeowners insurance. Residents can call one of our knowledgeable team members today at 619-474-6666 for a free quote.