Car crashes are physically and emotionally devastating. While people typically walk away from minor fender benders, you could still face lingering pain and suffering that impact your life for years to come. Major car collisions can also result in severe injuries that limit your quality of life and require immediate medical attention.
Knowing about the most common injuries that occur in car crashes helps you stay alert for symptoms after a collision and get help to prevent them from getting worse. Keep reading as the professionals at Altra Insurance Services, the premier providers of seguro de auto San Diego drivers trust for reliable, high-quality service, explain which types of injuries happen most frequently in car accidents.
Watch Out for Whiplash
Whiplash is one of the most common types of injuries people experience after an accident. During a collision, the forces that occur can cause your head and neck to move back and forth. This rapid and forceful motion can damage the ligaments, joints, and tendons in your neck.
The symptoms of whiplash usually begin within the first 24 hours after being in an accident. You might experience neck pain and stiffness along with limited range of motion in this part of your body. Some people also develop headaches and dizziness from the damage that occurs in the neck.
Be Aware of Back & Spinal Injuries
Back and spinal cord injuries can range from mild muscle strains to slipped discs or bone fractures. If you suspect a serious back injury, it’s best to remain immobilized until an emergency technician reaches the scene of your accident and checks your injuries. Even if you can walk, you should still seek medical attention for any pain, tingling, or weakness you feel in your spine.
Protect Your Head & Brain from Trauma
Even when you’re wearing a seat belt, your head may come into contact with parts of the vehicle or other objects in the car. Brain trauma can be severe and limit your cognitive functioning, which is why it’s important to seek medical care for suspected head injuries right away.
If you experience difficulty speaking or remembering details of the accident, you could have a serious head injury. Behavioral changes are also common with traumatic brain injuries and can include feeling anxious or having mood swings. Head injuries can also result in physical symptoms that include vomiting and feeling extremely fatigued.
Take Preventative Action before Crashes Occur
Some injuries are difficult to prevent, but you can take action to minimize the pain and long-term health consequences you experience after a vehicle collision. Wearing a seat belt is one of the easiest ways to minimize the risk of being thrown from a vehicle or violently tossed around the interior of the car. You can also make sure any loose objects are secured in your vehicle to prevent them from becoming projectiles that could cause trauma to your body.
Finally, review your insurance coverage and make sure to seek medical attention as soon as you can following an accident. Being proactive about your health can prevent minor injuries from getting worse.
Ya sea que haya tenido un accidente o no, es importante asegurarse de encontrar el más asequible seguro de auto to protect yourself in the future. If you need affordable, reliable car insurance, look no further than the trustworthy pros at Altra Insurance Services. We can take care of a variety of your insurance needs, including motorcycle, homeowners, and business insurance. Give us a call today to find out more about our high-quality insurance products and impeccable service.