Although many states only require a person to carry liability insurance, you need to be aware this isn’t always enough coverage for every situation. Comprehensive auto insurance covers more than just the damages to the other person’s vehicle. Depending on your policy, it may cover damage to your car after an accident as well as the costs of repairs after an unfortunate natural event causes damage. As they consider their options for auto insurance San Diego drivers should be aware of these possible scenarios that signify they may need comprehensive coverage.
You Have a Loan or Lease on the Vehicle
Most people take out a loan when they purchase a new or used vehicle. Until you pay off your loan, the lender has the ability to require you to maintain proper auto insurance coverage that can be used to preserve the car’s value after an accident. When you take out a loan or lease, make sure to read the contract carefully, since it likely requires you to have comprehensive insurance on the car. After you’ve paid off the lease, you may be able to just have liability only, but most people stick with comprehensive once they realize the benefits of having better coverage.
You Have a New or Young Driver in Your Household
Whether you have a teenager in your house or an older adult finally decided to learn how to drive, you must remember he or she is considered at higher risk for having an accident. This risk will diminish over time as the individual gains experience on the road. However, the last thing you want is to find yourself in a bind caused by the teen or older adult having an accident. Comprehensive coverage can pay for damages to your vehicle when a driver from your home is found to be at fault. Knowing the repairs are covered allows you to preserve your relationship and get your car fixed right away.
You Cannot Afford to Fix Your Car or Buy a New One
There’s no way around the fact that most car repairs aren’t cheap, and auto body repair tends to be some of the most expensive work you can have done on a car. While it may not bother you if there’s a minor dent, most car accidents result in noticeable damage that can compromise the integrity of the car. At the very least, you’ll need to have your car inspected by an auto technician after an accident occurs. If you only have liability insurance, you’ll be paying for this out of pocket.
You Live in a High-Risk Area
California drivers are known for being at a higher risk of having car damage than people in other areas. You may need comprehensive coverage if you frequently drive in heavy traffic or travel long distances for work. If you live in an area that’s prone to criminal activity, you may also need comprehensive coverage to address damage caused by break-ins, such as a broken window.
When you need advice about which type of coverage you need, trust Altra Insurance Services to be your guide. We’ll help you choose the insurance coverage that’s right for your so you can enjoy peace of mind. Whether they need auto insurance, motorcycle insurance, or high-quality car Insurance Chula Vista, residents know they can trust us to provide reliable, affordable coverage. Give us a call at 619-474-6666 or get an online quote now.